Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Casa de La Biblia - Repair and Re-roofing - Contractor

Greetings To Declare Christ Blog Reader in the Name of our Precious Savior Jesus Christ,
           After much consideration we have decided to go ahead with a contractor for the re-roofing project (We will still be doing the tear-off of the roofing material. see below). He is a wonderful believer in Jesus Christ with a team of fellow believers from Grand Junction, Colorado. He has given us the bid of $17,145 (not including equipment, see below) for the two sections that need done.
      The re-roofing, reinforcing, etc. of the main sanctuary will be $12,310 and the second section will be $4,835. These two sections were discussed in greater detail in previous emails. Please let us know if you would like more details. 
        We give praise to God for the continued volunteer labor that has been promised towards removing the roofing and for a couple of promised pieces of equipment to help with the re-roofing. However these offers are probably not forever so we do want to get on this project.
         Therefore Lord willing the project is set to begin around the end of November and the first part of December which is the earliest available time for the contractor and his men.
         We, "Casa de La Biblia" (House of the Bible), give praise to God for the $10,090 that we already have for the re-roofing project. We need $2,220 for the main sanctuary section or $7,055 would finish the complete project Lord willing. We would like to do both sections as the funds become available. We would appreciate your prayers in regards to this project's funding, weather, contractor, and volunteer labor. 
For those interested in giving to this project there is a special project setup at Tentmakers Bible Mission. You can mail a check to the following address.
Tentmakers Bible Mission
PO Box 160
401B Highway 151
LaGrange, WY 82221
With a note on the memo with "CDLB Building Project Fund." Or, to donate online, you can go to the TBM website at www.TentmakerBibleMission.org and find the "CDLB Building Project Fund" under "Get Involved:" "Donate to a Project:" "Tentmakers Bible Mission:" and select the project.

In Christ,

Pastor Jonathan Koehn on behalf of Casa de La Biblia
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in the ministry of starting (planting) Hispanic, Spanish-speaking Churches.

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Our Contact Information:

Cell Phone: (970)-216-0152 (Verizon) or (435)-633-3576 (Verizon)
Website: http://http://todeclarechrist.blogspot.com/
Skype: jonathan.g.koehn

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Jonathan & Bethany Koehn
P.O. Box 281
127 Hill Court
Parachute, CO 81635


Our Support Team:
Sending Church:
   Richfield Bible Church in Richfield, UT

Secondary Sending Church:
   Buffalo Community Church in Buffalo, MT
Our Support Team: Believers throughout the World

Mission Board: Tentmakers Bible Mission http://www.tentmakersbiblemission.org/
Partnering with Grace Bible Church of Parachute, Colorado to plant the Church "Casa de la Biblia"
Partnering with Grace Bible Church of Collbran, Colorado in a Spanish Bible Study.

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